Best Guitar Pedals in 2018
There have been some amazing pedals come out this year. Here are some of my picks for the best guitar pedals in 2018.
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There have been some amazing pedals come out this year. Here are some of my picks for the best guitar pedals in 2018.
Uni-vibe is a modulation effect that can completely change the feel and atmosphere of your playing. Find out what the best options are for a Uni-Vibe pedal and how to use one in this guide.
Find out what guitar pedals Kurt Cobain used in Nirvana. I go through each pedal to help you decide whether you want to get that pedal, or if an alternative pedal suits you better.
Looking for ways to use a chorus pedal that doesn’t give you that cheesy 80s sound? Check out these songs that make great use of a chorus pedal for ideas.
If you’re interested in adding some pedals to your rig, you might wonder what pedals you should get first. Find out what pedals most guitarists consider essential and why you might want them in your rig.
A simple chorus pedal can do wonders to your clean tone, add some color to your solos, or give you something new to experiment with. Check out these top chorus pedals to find one that suits your needs.
A lot of guitar pedals and gear is popular due to hype or nostalgia. Some gear is so good that it stays popular for decades. Check out this short list of quality guitar gear that will likely continue to be popular in the future.
Nothing ruins a good tone faster than humming, buzzing or noise. In this FAQ let’s look at why you might get some hum or noise in your signal and how to deal with it properly.
If you need a creativity or inspiration boost to your guitar playing, these pedals will do the job. Adding a new guitar pedal to your rig can help you create new riffs, licks or ideas for songs.
Finding out how other guitarists think about tone and gear can give you ideas for your own playing. See how Bobby from Guitar Chalk thinks about his gear in this interview
Need to buy a gift for a guitar player and don’t know what to get? Find out the type of gifts to avoid and what they will really appreciate.