How to Find the Key of a Song (4 Easy Methods + Charts)
Learn four methods to find the key of a song using handy charts and resources. Find out how the notes and chords in a song tell you the key.
Learn four methods to find the key of a song using handy charts and resources. Find out how the notes and chords in a song tell you the key.
Find out what guitar scales are, how scales are used in music, how to learn scales and answers to common questions. If you’re interested in learning scales, read this guide.
Find out step-by-step how to find the main chords in any key with these simple methods. Even if you don’t know any music theory, this guide will show you how to find the chords in any key.
Learn everything you would want to know about the Blues Scale including scale diagrams, licks, songs, basic music theory, and exercises.
Learn what the Pentatonic Scale is, how to find the Pentatonic Scale on your guitar, and how to memorize the scale shapes in this detailed guide.
Learn what intervals are on guitar, the names for each interval, how to find intervals on the fretboard, and more. Intervals are explained as simple as possible in this lesson.